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Dancers talk Dancers with Lisa Herbert

We chatted to commerical dancer choreographer Lisa Herbert ahead of her VDF teaching debut in 2024 to talk about her favourite dancer, signature move and most influential teachers...

Shout out to the teacher/instructor who influenced you most and tell us why. "Adrian Ricks, Gillian D’Monte, Jordan Charles Herbert, Billie Casey Jabore. Thank you to these people who have done so much for me, always grateful!"

Mia Michaels
Mia Michaels

If you could dance with anyone past or present who would it be and why?

"Probably either Mia Michaels or NappyTabs"

What is your signature/go-to dance move?

"I’d most likely do a body roll into some clean jazz shapes."

VDF is all about community and dance friends getting together to celebrate the thing that they love and to grow together. Who are your dance friends and how do they help you grow as a dancer?

"I have so many different dance friends from different worlds, which helps me grow as a dancer in the versatility aspect. They’re all super different in the genres/styles they train so it makes me want to keep up in all those genres too!"

Why do you think dancers should come to VDF?

"Because why not?! Dancing so much fun and VDF is filled with so much to do and so many dancers to meet!"

Find out more about Lisa Herbert on our Instructors page.

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